Exploratory Data Analysis

In this notebook, I will perform some exploratory analysis using PCA to observe whether there is dominance of the bx93 allele over the sy622 allele.

This notebook is the first to introduce the txtome class, which allows me to make fc_transcriptome objects that will enable us to do computation with a lot less code. For a thorough introduction to the txtome class, please view Python script in the repository.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import rc

# import own libraries
import txtome as tx
import epistasis as epi

# plotting settings
rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{cmbright}')
rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']})

%matplotlib inline

# This enables SVG graphics inline. 
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'retina'}

# JB's favorite Seaborn settings for notebooks
rc = {'lines.linewidth': 2, 
      'axes.labelsize': 18, 
      'axes.titlesize': 18, 
      'axes.facecolor': 'DFDFE5'}
sns.set_context('notebook', rc=rc)

# more parameters
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 16
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 16 
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14
In [2]:
q = 0.1  # q-value cutoff

# load the dataframe we made in the Basic Stats notebook:
quant = pd.read_csv('../input/quantifications.csv')
# initialize an fc_transcriptome object using the quant dataframe
quant = tx.fc_transcriptome(df=quant)
Dropped 0 rows with NaNs in the b column

Data wrangling

The dataframe we have just loaded is in tidy format, meaning that each row corresponds to a single measurement. To perform PCA, we must generate a dataframe in long-format, where each column is a genotype, and each row is a particular transcript (isoform). Fortunately, the txtome class can do this for me instantaneously using the function make_matrix.

Once we have formatted the data like this, we are almost ready to perform PCA. PCA works best if the data have been normalized to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Even after normalization, the distribution of effects should look roughly bell curve or there could be weird effects. Let's check.

In [3]:
target_id pval qval b se_b mean_obs var_obs tech_var sigma_sq smooth_sigma_sq final_sigma_sq ens_gene ext_gene description transcript_biotype strain order fancy allele genotype
0 2L52.1a 0.892540 0.984461 -0.047659 0.352794 3.894122 1.016851 0.138264 0.065421 0.075103 0.075103 WBGene00007063 2L52.1 NaN protein_coding PS4176 1 dpy-22(bx93)/dpy-22(sy622) bx93/sy622 bx93/sy622
1 2L52.1a 0.755861 0.936079 0.117265 0.377153 3.894122 1.016851 0.138264 0.065421 0.075103 0.075103 WBGene00007063 2L52.1 NaN protein_coding EW15 1 bar-1(ga80) ga80 ga80
2 2L52.1a 0.609008 0.987898 0.192910 0.377153 3.894122 1.016851 0.138264 0.065421 0.075103 0.075103 WBGene00007063 2L52.1 NaN protein_coding MT2124 1 let-60(n1046) n1046 n1046
3 2L52.1a 0.631823 1.000000 0.180717 0.377153 3.894122 1.016851 0.138264 0.065421 0.075103 0.075103 WBGene00007063 2L52.1 NaN protein_coding PS4187 1 dpy-22(bx93) bx93 bx93
4 2L52.1a 0.944533 0.999687 -0.026240 0.377153 3.894122 1.016851 0.138264 0.065421 0.075103 0.075103 WBGene00007063 2L52.1 NaN protein_coding PS4087 1 dpy-22(sy622) sy622 sy622
In [4]:
# generate a matrix suitable for PCA cluster
# rows are transcripts, columns are fancified genotypes
mat = quant.make_matrix(col='fancy')

# visualize distribution to make sure it's not terribly crazy
sns.distplot(mat.as_matrix().reshape(-1, 1))
_ = plt.xlabel(r'$\beta$')
_ = plt.ylabel('Density')
/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:6462: UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "


The above distribution doesn't look to crazy, so now I will perform PCA.

In [5]:
# initialize the object with 5 principal components
pca = PCA(5)
# fit the data and transform it to the pca coordinates
x = pca.fit_transform(mat.as_matrix().T)

# plot the data, labelling each point:
for i, cluster in enumerate(mat.columns):
    # give different marker kinds to each gene
    if 'dpy-22' in cluster:
        m = 's'
    elif 'let-60' in cluster:
        m = 'v'
        m = 'o'
    # make sure the labels come out in italics:
    cluster = r'\emph{' + cluster + '}'
    # plot the points
    plt.scatter(x[i, 0], x[i, 1], marker=m, label=cluster, s=55)
    # also add text to label each point
    plt.annotate(cluster, (x[i, 0]+ 2, x[i, 1]+2), fontsize=15)

# add plot labels
_ = plt.xlabel('PC1, {0:.2g}\%'.format(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[0]*100))
_ = plt.ylabel('PC2, {0:.2g}\%'.format(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[1]*100))

# save
plt.savefig('../output/pca.svg', bbox_inches='tight')

It's always good to look at the power spectrum of the eigenvalues, so let's do that as well:

In [6]:
# generate a plot of Explained variance versus Eigenvalue index
# note indexing starts at 0.
plt.plot(pca.explained_variance_ratio_*100, 'o')
_ = plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda_x$')
_ = plt.ylabel(r'\% Explained Variance')

The plot shows that the 0 and 1 eigenvalues explain 60% of the variance, eigenvalues 2 and 3 explain about 30% of the variance and the 4th eigenvalue explains 10% of the variance. So the picture we looked at before is a good representation for about half of the data, and much more may be going on than is shown.

dpy-22 alleles' shared transcriptomic phenotypes

In [7]:
def odr(txtome, strain_x, strain_y):
    Calculate a regression line of the STP between strain_x and strain_y.
    txtome - a txtome object initialized with a dataframe
    strain_x, strain_y - str, strains for which to find STP and
                            perform regression.
    res - An ODR object containing a res.beta list with the parameters of the
            regression (res.beta[0] is the slope)
    # find the STP between strain x and y:
    tmp = txtome.select_from_overlap([strain_x, strain_y])

    # extract the target_ids by strain:
    x = tmp[tmp.strain == strain_x]
    y = tmp[tmp.strain == strain_y]
    # perform an odr regression:
    res = epi.perform_odr(x.b.values, y.b.values,
                          x.se_b.values, y.se_b.values,
    return res
In [8]:
# condition to select the dpy-22 samples:
cond = quant.df.fancy.str.contains('dpy-22')
subset = np.sort(quant.df[cond].strain.unique())

# count the genotypes in this:
n = len(subset)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=n, ncols=n-1, figsize=(12, 12),
                       sharex=True, sharey=True)

for i, strain in enumerate(subset):
    for j, strain2 in enumerate(subset):
        # turn off upper triangle and diagonal axes
        if i >= j:
            if i < n-1:
                ax[j, i].axis('off')

        # skip identity
        if strain == strain2:

        # plot the shared transcriptomic phenotype
        quant.plot_STP(strain, strain2, label=False, ax=ax[j, i], 
                       density=True, cmap='viridis')

        # also plot the line y=x
        x = np.linspace(-5, 5)
        ax[j, i].plot(x, x, color='k', lw=1)
        # perform regression
        res = odr(quant, strain, strain2)
        # plot the regression and annotate to the corner
        ax[j, i].plot(x, res.beta[0]*x, color='blue', ls='--', lw=3)
        m = 'slope = {0:.2g} $\pm$ {1:.1g}'.format(res.beta[0], 
        ax[j, i].annotate(m, (-4, 4), fontsize=18)

    # find and typeset labels:
    if 'PS4087' in strain:
        genotype = r'$\beta_{sy622}$'
    elif 'PS4187' in strain:
        genotype = r'$\beta_{bx93}$'
        genotype = r'$\beta_{sy622/bx93}$'
    # label
    if i < n-1:
        ax[n-1, i].set_xlabel(genotype, fontsize=25)
    if i < n:
        ax[i, 0].set_ylabel(genotype, fontsize=25)

plt.xlim(-5, 5) 
plt.ylim(-5, 5)

plt.savefig('../output/dpy22_STPs.svg', bbox_inches='tight')